Coral chemistry reflects Southeast Asia's economic expansion

Economic expansion leaves indelible marks on coral chemistry, according to a new study published in the Journal of Geophysical Research: Oceans. By analyzing barium levels in coral cores, scientists can access decades-old ...

EU eyes more help for shrinking bee populations

The EU on Tuesday announced proposals to try to reverse an "alarming decline" in the number of bees—and other insects that pollinate the bloc's crops—including by rewarding organic farming.

Zimbabwe launches first nano-satellite

Zimbabwe on Monday announced the launch of its first nano-satellite into space in a bid to help collect data to monitor disasters, boost agriculture and enhance mineral mapping.

Less air pollution leads to higher crop yields, study shows

Usually, increasing agricultural productivity depends on adding something, such as fertilizer or water. A new Stanford University-led study reveals that removing one thing in particular—a common air pollutant—could lead ...

Waiting for the water train in scorching India

Afroz misses school every day to spend hours waiting with a handcart full of containers for a special train bringing precious water to people suffering a heatwave in India's desert state of Rajasthan.

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