Producing food while preserving biodiversity

In nature conservation and agriculture, there are two opposing views of how to combine high biodiversity and sustainable food production: Nature conservation should either be integrated into agricultural land, or segregated ...

Human activities appear to drive insect declines in Europe

A review of 82 previously published studies of two major groups of insect species underscores reported declines in insect populations in Europe, and links these declines to human activities that influence insect habitats.

Carbon farming schemes should consider multiple cobenefits

Carbon markets and related international schemes that allow payments to landholders for planting trees, sometimes called carbon farming, are intended to support sequestration of carbon from the atmosphere. But they will have ...

A preliminary framework for better urban agroforestry

Today's cities don't have walls for protection like ancient ones, but they are separate from less urban and rural land. Most goods that city-dwellers purchase are brought in from rural farms and manufacturers. There is an ...

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