Related topics: food products

Phosphate biosensors could lead to more efficient fertilizer usage

Shiqi Zhang spent many months sitting alone in a dark room, staring intently into the lens of a confocal microscope as she focused a laser beam on plant cells mounted on a glass slide. She was measuring changes in the intensity ...

Carbon capture potential of agroforestry and trees on farms

Increased use of trees in agriculture can pave the way toward a transformation of the global food system, according to a new study released in May. Scientists have found that even small incremental increases in global tree ...

Death of bats at wind turbines interrupts natural food chains

The numerous casualties of bats at wind turbines (WT) have a negative impact on the populations of affected species and potentially far-reaching consequences for the biodiversity in rural areas. Until now, it could only be ...

Study establishes key areas for tiger movement in central India

Tigers across central India traverse long distances to get from one protected area to another. Maintaining safe areas for the big cats to move through—known as wildlife corridors—is essential for allowing tigers to thrive ...

Understanding the climate effects of grazing agriculture

The Great Plains in the United States are well known for a rich history and expansive grasslands. This region is synonymous with ranchers herding cattle across the plains and a valuable resource for a growing population.

Asia's coastal cities sinking faster than sea level-rise

Manila and several other coastal Asian cities are sinking faster than the rate of sea level rise, says a study that calls for strict regulatory measure to reduce groundwater extraction, identified as a major cause for land ...

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