Phosphorus: too much or too little?

( -- Fertilizer is rarely an inspiration for an art show, but this week at Arizona State University (ASU), sustainability, fertilizer and phosphorus scarcity will provide fuel for creative vision.

Biochar reduces nasty nitrous oxide emissions on farms

( —In the quest to decrease the world's greenhouse gases, Cornell scientists have discovered that biochar – a charcoal-like substance – reduces the nemesis nitrous oxide from agricultural soil on average by ...

Scientists find that evergreen agriculture boosts crop yields

A unique acacia known as a "fertilizer tree" has typically led to a doubling or tripling of maize yields in smallholder agriculture in Zambia and Malawi, according to evidence presented at a conference in the Hague today. ...

Hidden green skills

What have plant scientists learned in the laboratory in the past three to five years that could be used to reduce inputs of water, chemical fertilizers and herbicides to agricultural fields?

Meat and bone meal as a source of phosphorus

Slaughterhouse waste is processed into meat and bone meal and subsequently fed to livestock or incinerated. This meal could be put to better use, though. It contains phosphorus, a scarce mineral used as fertilizer. A new ...

Scientists develop new fertilizer from food chain waste

Researchers from the Università Cattolica at Piacenza, have developed a new fertilizer from food chain waste, specifically from the waste of the productions of lactic acid bacteria that currently have to be eliminated through ...

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