Invasive species costing Africa $3.66 tn a year: study

Invasive species introduced by human activity are costing African agriculture some $3.66 trillion every year—around 1.5 times the combined gross domestic product of all African countries—new research showed Thursday.

The night life: Why we need bats all the time

The sight of bats hanging upside down in creepy caves or fleeing in fluttery flocks from their subterranean haunts at dusk like "bats out of hell" may spook even the most rational, otherwise unflappable observer.

Cuba to use sugar cane in new electricity plant

Cuba will open its first electricity plant using sugar cane as a biofuel hoping eventually to meet 30 percent of its energy needs from the fuel source, the official Granma daily said Thursday.

EU asks citizens to join debate on GM food

The European Union on Tuesday took the debate about genetically modified crops to the public with a survey asking citizens to share their thoughts on organic farming.

Treating mastitis in dairy cattle with vitamin D

A natural remedy that delays and reduces the severity of mastitis infection in dairy cattle is being investigated by scientists at the U.S. Department of Agriculture (USDA).

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