Urban crops can have higher yields than conventional farming

As urban populations boom, urban agriculture is increasingly looked to as a local food source and a way to help combat inequitable food access. But little is known about how productive urban agriculture is compared to conventional, ...

Researchers lay out a path to saving the Mekong Delta

Nearly 20 million people live in Southeast Asia's Mekong Delta, which is also the source of 7–10% of internationally traded rice. But the delta will be nearly entirely underwater by the end of the century if water management ...

The role of drought in Syrian war was exaggerated

With the aid of satellite images, researchers at Lund University in Sweden have uncovered unique data on the severe drought that hit Syria between 2007 and 2009. Previously, many politicians and researchers believed that ...

Crop pathogens 'remarkably adaptable'

Pathogens that attack agricultural crops show remarkable adaptability to new climates and new plant hosts, new research shows.

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