COP28: Countries promise action on food and farming

Countries must act swiftly following a landmark declaration on sustainable agriculture and food systems at COP28 to protect farmers and vulnerable groups from the effects of climate change, research leaders urge.

Gene drive technology to suppress invasive mice

Researchers at the University of Adelaide have released their first findings on the potential effectiveness of revolutionary gene drive technology to control invasive mice.

Social media abuzz about how to breed super queen bees

(—While honey bee populations dwindle across the globe, Penn State researchers aim to use communication technologies to spread revolutionary beekeeping techniques that will help offset the effects of Colony Collapse ...

Fingerprinting fugitive dust

Each community of soil microbes has a unique fingerprint that can potentially be used to track soil back to its source, right down to whether it came from dust from a rural road or from a farm field, according to a U.S. Department ...

Fowl language: AI is learning to analyze chicken communications

Have you ever wondered what chickens are talking about? Chickens are quite the communicators—their clucks, squawks and purrs are not just random sounds but a complex language system. These sounds are their way of interacting ...

Agreement reached at UN on biopiracy treaty

More than 190 nations agreed Friday on a new treaty to combat so-called biopiracy and regulate patents stemming from genetic resources such as medicinal plants, particularly ones whose uses owe a debt to traditional knowledge.

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