Cities could play a key role in pollinator conservation

Given the pressures that pollinators face in agricultural land, cities could play an important role in conserving pollinators, according to a new study. The research, carried out by scientists at the Universities of Bristol, ...

The hidden role of food in urban conflicts in Central America

Extreme water events have been shown to affect human security in many ways. In a research article published today in the new journal Nature Water researchers from Politecnico di Milano and University of California at Berkeley ...

Crop pathogens 'remarkably adaptable'

Pathogens that attack agricultural crops show remarkable adaptability to new climates and new plant hosts, new research shows.

Call to build resilient food systems on existing farmland

Increasing agricultural productivity on existing farmland could ensure sustainable and resilient food systems in Africa and boost biodiversity through preservation of forest and grassland ecosystems, a new report says.

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