Agreement reached at UN on biopiracy treaty

More than 190 nations agreed Friday on a new treaty to combat so-called biopiracy and regulate patents stemming from genetic resources such as medicinal plants, particularly ones whose uses owe a debt to traditional knowledge.

Uncertainty clouds UN talks on biopiracy treaty

UN talks to create a global treaty to combat biopiracy and the exploitation of genetic resources hung in the balance Thursday, a day before an agreement was due to be signed.

Brazil's flooded south paralyzed as waters remain high

Brazil's flooded south remained paralyzed Monday, with schools and health centers shut and streets cut off as overflowing rivers showed no sign of receding after torrential rains in a disaster that has left 147 dead.

Fowl language: AI is learning to analyze chicken communications

Have you ever wondered what chickens are talking about? Chickens are quite the communicators—their clucks, squawks and purrs are not just random sounds but a complex language system. These sounds are their way of interacting ...

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