Analyzing food and beverages with magnetic levitation

Scientists are reporting development of a new use for magnetic levitation, or "maglev," the futuristic technology best known for enabling high-speed passenger trains to float above the tracks. In ACS' Journal of Agricultural ...

British bees tagged to assess pesticide brain damage

British bees will be fitted with radio tags to monitor their movements and see if they are damaged by pesticides, in one of several studies unveiled on Tuesday to probe a decline in pollinating insects.

Plant hormone regulates nectar production

Rapeseed is one of the ten most important agricultural crops worldwide. In spring, the rapeseed fields with their bright yellow flowers are widely visible: this year winter rapeseed is being cultivated on 1.46 million hectares ...

Changing smell of plants announces fungus attack

( -- Tomato plants under attack from the Botrytis fungus give off an aromatic substance that can be measured in greenhouses. This is the result of research performed by Roel Jansen with which he obtained his doctoral ...

A new way to prepare fluorinated pharmaceuticals

( -- A team of MIT chemists has devised a new way to add fluorine to a variety of compounds used in many drugs and agricultural chemicals, an advance that could offer more flexibility and potential cost-savings ...

Advance in detecting melamine-adulterated food

Researchers in Indiana are reporting an advance toward faster, more sensitive tests for detecting melamine, the substance that killed at least 6 children and sickened 300,000 children in China who drank milk and infant formula ...

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