Thesis turns into fun new app

Victoria's first ever Pacific Studies PhD graduate has turned her research into a free, interactive app aimed at supporting new Pasifika parents.

A whiff of tears reduces male aggression, says study

Watching someone cry often evokes an emotional response—but according to a new study published Thursday, human tears themselves contain a chemical signal that reduces brain activity linked to aggression.

Researchers link wild chimpanzee gestures to language evolution

( -- A Stirling researcher has identified between 20 and 30 manual gestures used by a community of wild chimpanzees, used to communicate with others in a range of activities including nursing, feeding, sex, aggression ...

Female Gila monster fights surprisingly violent, study finds

A new study published on May 10 in the journal Royal Society Open Science has shown that in the Gila monster, a large venomous lizard, encounters between females are far more intense and violent than interactions between ...

Why do animals fight members of other species?

Why do animals fight with members of other species? A nine-year study by UCLA biologists says the reason often has to do with "obtaining priority access to females" in the area.

Bonobos' unusual success story

Mate competition by males over females is common in many animal species. During mating season male testosterone levels rise, resulting in an increase in aggressive behavior and masculine features. Male bonobos, however, invest ...

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