Color matters in display of fish aggression

Biologists have unlocked new insights into the mysterious evolution of colour diversity among fish, and how aggression from other species plays a part in patterns of colour diversity observed in the wild.

Roots of aggression

Why are men more aggressive than women? There are two competing theories. However, a study by Oxford University researchers has found that both may actually be right.

Sleep deprivation reduces aggression, mating behavior in flies

Whether you're a human, a mouse, or even a fruitfly, losing sleep is a bad thing, leading to physiological effects and behavioral changes. One example that has been studied for many years is a link between sleep loss and ...

Quail breeding discoveries shed light on human sexuality

At Nagoya University and the National Institute of Basic Biology, researchers have found a brain receptor that helps to initiate quail breeding. Meanwhile, researchers at Waseda and Kitasato universities are exploring the ...

Why do animals fight members of other species?

Why do animals fight with members of other species? A nine-year study by UCLA biologists says the reason often has to do with "obtaining priority access to females" in the area.

Myth of tolerant dogs and aggressive wolves refuted

Dogs are regarded as more tolerant and less aggressive compared to their ancestors, the wolves. Researchers from the Messerli Research Institute at the Vetmeduni Vienna question this image. They show in a recent study that ...

NATO to hold major cyber defense drill in Estonia

About 400 computer experts will participate in a major cybersecurity drill in Estonia this week as part of NATO's efforts to upgrade its capability to counter potentially debilitating hacker attacks.

Popular anti-bullying program may have mixed results, study finds

A curriculum that is widely used by U.S. schools to diminish bullying and other forms of aggression shows promise at reducing gender- and sexual-based violence. However, the program's efficacy may vary between geographic ...

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