Tomato turf wars: Benign bug bests salmonella; tomato eaters win

Scientists from the U.S. Food and Drug Administration (FDA) have identified a benign bacterium that shows promise in blocking Salmonella from colonizing raw tomatoes. Their research is published ahead of print in the journal ...

Antimicrobial edible films inhibit pathogens in meat

Antimicrobial agents incorporated into edible films applied to foods to seal in flavor, freshness and color can improve the microbiological safety of meats, according to researchers in Penn State's College of Agricultural ...

Follow the ant trail for drug design

New drugs often fail because they cause undesirable side effects. ETH researchers have developed simulation software that predicts the properties of active agents and virtually builds new ones. The software's search process ...

Nanoparticle pinpoints blood vessel plaques

A team of researchers, led by scientists at Case Western Reserve University, has developed a multifunctional nanoparticle that enables magnetic resonance imaging (MRI) to pinpoint blood vessel plaques caused by atherosclerosis. ...

New study may aid rearing of stink bugs for biological control

Many people think of stink bugs as pests, especially as the brown marmorated stink bugs spreads throughout the U.S. However, certain stink bugs are beneficial, such as Podisus nigrispinus (Dallas), a predatory stink bug that ...

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