Kenyan reserve to fly drones to tackle rhino poachers

One of Kenya's best known private game reserves in Kenya announced Friday a plan to fly unmanned surveillance drones to monitor and protect critically endangered rhinos from rampant poaching.

Zimbabwe weighs cost of too many elephants

A herd of elephants hobbles past a cluster of acacia trees to a water-hole deep in Zimbabwe's vast Hwange game reserve, attracted by the drone of generators pumping water round the clock into the pool.

Forensic tools for catching poachers

The trade in ivory was largely outlawed in 1989, but poaching continues and remains a serious threat to the African elephant. Seizures of large amounts of ivory, sometimes over a ton, continue to occur. Research by Alfred ...

Singapore to ban sale of elephant ivory from 2021

Singapore said Monday it will impose a blanket ban on the domestic sale of elephant ivory and products from 2021 as the government tightens its campaign against illegal wildlife trade.

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