Sun Belt cities comprise nearly half of U.S. population growth

The Sun Belt's large metro areas are growing much faster than those elsewhere in the United States, and they are adding more young and old residents than the rest of the nation, according to a new white paper from Rice University's ...

The small satellite that's paying big dividends

Think of the International Space Station, and most likely you imagine an orbiting laboratory, where scientists observe how plants, materials, and humans react to microgravity conditions. But during the past decade, the station ...

Why long-term housing affordability is a slippery issue

New research led by the University of Adelaide has highlighted two distinct groups of people affected by housing affordability issues over time – those who slip in and out of poor housing affordability, and those who are ...

Measures of income should include health insurance, study finds

The value of health insurance should be included in official measures of U.S. income and poverty, because it will help us to better evaluate public policies like Obamacare, according to a new study by a Cornell economist ...

Third of world's population has Internet: UN

More than a third of the world's population is online while mobile phone uptake increased by more than 600 million in 2011 to around six billion, a UN agency said Thursday.

Cohousing is an inclusive approach to smart, sustainable cities

The idea that technology will fix complex and systemic problems like climate change, poverty, the housing crisis or health care is simplistic to say the least. We need a radical shift in how we live, and designing for environmental ...

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