NASA selects a sample return mission to Venus

In Dante Alighieri's epic poem The Divine Comedy, the famous words "Abandon all hope, ye who enter here" adorn the gates of hell. Interestingly enough, Dante's vision of hell is an apt description of what conditions are like ...

Dynamic z-scanning for ultrafast auto-focusing in laser processing

In laser-based manufacturing, accommodating non-flat, or changing surfaces has traditionally been labor-intensive, involving complex focus mapping procedures and or ex-situ characterization. This often results in repositioning ...

More than meows: How bacteria help cats communicate

Many mammals, from domestic cats and dogs to giant pandas, use scent to communicate with each other. A new study from the University of California, Davis shows how domestic cats send signals to each other using odors derived ...

Want to find UFOs? That's a job for machine learning

In 2017, humanity got its first glimpse of an interstellar object (ISO), known as 1I/"Oumuamua, which buzzed our planet on its way out of the solar system. Speculation abound as to what this object could be because, based ...

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