Hobbyist drones find eager buyers

Drones are showing up in this country in increasing numbers - and they could be coming to a neighborhood near you. While that prospect raises privacy concerns among some critics, for Colin Guinn it means business is taking ...

Thai navy deployed to fight oil spill

Thai naval vessels joined efforts Sunday to stop hundreds of barrels of oil from a pipeline leak in the Gulf of Thailand reaching the kingdom's beaches.

Homebuyers gain an edge with Internet searches

In the colorful, centuries-long history of house hunting, when have so many buyers come to the table knowing so much about prices, neighborhoods and school test scores?

Drones used to identify pregnant dolphins

Researchers have found a way to remotely determine if protected female bottlenose dolphins are expecting a calf using aerial photos taken from drones.

Ferry 'hits whales' in Sydney Harbour

A humpback whale and its calf were injured on Monday after apparently being hit by a ferry in Sydney Harbour, with witnesses saying the animals had ugly gashes and cuts.

Artificial intelligence helps speed up ecological surveys

Scientists at EPFL, the Royal Netherlands Institute for Sea Research and Wageningen University & Research have developed a new deep-learning model for counting the number of seals in aerial photos that is considerably faster ...

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