US names New York test site for small drones

The Federal Aviation Administration (FAA) announced Thursday a fifth test site for small drones, as it continues to hammer out regulations for their use in US airspace.

Drones: Next big thing in aviation is small

The next big thing in aviation may be really small. With some no bigger than a hummingbird, the hottest things at this week's Farnborough International Airshow are tiny compared with the titans of the sky, such as the Airbus ...

NYC police see risks with drones' popularity

New York City police say some recent incidents involving wayward drones show that the popularity of the remote-controlled aircraft poses potential risks.

Robot warriors pose ethical dilemna

With the increasing use of drones in military operations, it is perhaps only a matter of time before robots replace soldiers. Whether fully automated war is on the immediate horizon, one researcher says it's not too early ...

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