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US coalition calls for expansion of Wi-Fi airwaves

A newly formed coalition of US technology firms and advocacy groups called Thursday for the expansion of Wi-Fi, saying airwaves are getting congested for a key pathway to the Internet.

New NASA rocket faces delays

The debut launch of NASA's next big rocket - now slated for 2017 - likely will be delayed a year or two because the agency simply does not have the money to finish the rocket and its accompanying crew capsule on time, a top ...

U-M technical reports examine hydraulic fracturing in Michigan

University of Michigan researchers today released seven technical reports that together form the most comprehensive Michigan-focused resource on hydraulic fracturing, the controversial natural gas and oil extraction process ...

Bringing the law to the factory

The recent factory collapse in Bangladesh has renewed attention to the global issue of workplace standards. In many countries, similar problems have arisen from a lack of enforcement for existing laws pertaining to safety, ...

Oil companies frack in waters off California

Companies prospecting for oil off California's coast have used hydraulic fracturing on at least a dozen occasions to force open cracks beneath the seabed, and now regulators are investigating whether the practice should require ...

China seen facing uphill struggle against pollution

China's newly announced measures to combat pollution by slashing emissions from major polluting industries and holding local officials responsible could take 18 years to bring air quality within acceptable standards, analysts ...

Do you benefit from slave labor?

What would you do if you knew your fast-food burger, the steel in your car, the leather for your shoes or that shiny hardwood floor came as a result of slave labor?

Google flirts with 'creepy line'

Google is flirting with what Chairman Eric Schmidt once called "the creepy line." At its recent developer conference, the Mountain View, Calif., search giant showcased a number of new personalized technologies that many consumers ...

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