Related topics: facebook · climate change

Samsung aid for sick workers comes with conditions, secrecy

Samsung's hopes of ending years of acrimony over whether its computer chip factories caused cancer have hit a hitch: some sickened workers and their families say they'll never accept its highly conditional offer of financial ...

Microsoft builds support over Ireland email case

Microsoft said Monday it had secured broad support from a coalition of influential technology and media firms as it seeks to challenge a US ruling ordering it to hand over emails stored on a server in Ireland.

Chimps not entitled to rights of people: NY court

Chimpanzees are not entitled to the same rights as people, a New York state appeals court ruled Thursday, thwarting an advocacy group's attempt to get primates freed from captivity.

Wildlife groups sue for wolverine protections

(AP)—A coalition of advocacy groups has filed a lawsuit challenging the government's decision to deny federal protections for the snow-loving wolverine.

Web filter lifts block on gay sites

A popular online safe-search filter is ending its practice of blocking links to mainstream gay and lesbian advocacy groups for users hoping to avoid obscene sites.

US coalition calls for expansion of Wi-Fi airwaves

A newly formed coalition of US technology firms and advocacy groups called Thursday for the expansion of Wi-Fi, saying airwaves are getting congested for a key pathway to the Internet.

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