Related topics: facebook · climate change

No 'silver bullet' for science standards

America's K-12 teachers are not fully prepared to meet a new set of science standards, a Michigan State University education scholar argues in Science.

And now to the weather: Climate science on the front foot

The Climate Commission's latest report, released recently, and some of the media that arose from it are excellent examples of science and journalists working together to talk about climate change and extreme weather. But ...

Stage set for battle over Canada-US pipeline

A lengthy battle over the controversial Keystone XL pipeline, which aims to funnel oil from Canada's tar sands to coastal Texas, heads to the most hotly contested area along the route Thursday.

Obama threatens veto of cybersecurity bill

President Barack Obama threatened on Tuesday to veto a major cybersecurity bill unless Congress amends it to include more protections for privacy and civil liberties.

Canada to probe alleged 'muzzling' of scientists

Canada's information commissioner on Tuesday launched an investigation into allegations that the federal government is muzzling its scientists, a spokeswoman for the commissioner said.

Silicon Valley to boost clout in Washington

For years, Silicon Valley companies wanted as little to do with Washington as possible. Hiring lobbyists to promote and protect their interests was about as far as they went. But a new generation of technology entrepreneurs ...

Online ivory trade threatens Africa's elephants

(AP)—Conservationists say there's a new threat to the survival of Africa's endangered elephants that may be just as deadly as poachers' bullets: the black-market trade of ivory in cyberspace.

EU proposal to protect bees stirs hornets' nest

An attempt to protect Europe's bee population has kicked up a hornets' nest. On Thursday, the EU's commissioner for health and consumer policy, Tonio Borg, proposed to restrict the use of three pesticides—called nenicotinoids—to ...

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