Related topics: bird flu

US mulls changes to personal electronics on flights

US aviation officials are considering easing restrictions on the use of personal electronics like smartphones, laptop computers and e-readers aboard airplanes, a spokesman said Monday.

US regulators looking at dealing with social media

A week after hackers broke into The Associated Press' Twitter feed and roiled financial markets, federal regulators say they need to find ways to deal with the impact of social media.

Japan's Mount Fuji to get World Heritage stamp

Japan's Mount Fuji will likely be added to the list of UNESCO World Heritage sites next month after an influential advisory panel to the UN cultural body made a recommendation, officials said.

US panel urges more oversight of China investment

A congressional advisory panel on Wednesday urged tighter screening of investment by Chinese state-owned companies in the U.S., saying they present unfair competition to American firms.

Fault under Japan nuclear plant 'may be active'

Japan's only working nuclear power plant sits on what may be a seismic fault in the earth's crust, a geologist has warned, saying it is "very silly" to allow it to continue operating.

Divides emerge in US, world response to mutant flu

A divide has emerged between the United States and the rest of the world on whether to publish or keep secret the details of an engineered mutant bird flu virus that can pass in the air between animals, health experts said ...

US journal editor backs change to bird flu policy

The editor of the US journal Science said Friday he supports the decision of bird flu experts in Geneva to make public controversial research about a mutant form of the H5N1 virus.

Bird flu researchers agree to 60-day halt (Update 2)

International scientists on Friday agreed to a temporary two-month halt to controversial research on a bird flu virus that may be easily passed among humans, citing global health concerns.

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