Net helps businesses beat recession

The internet is one innovation helping small business bosses deal with strategic decision-making and survive the current recession, according to results revealed by the latest UK Business Barometer and Business Adviser Barometer ...

Fooled by your 'friends'

Do not get too friendly with your investment adviser. It lowers your guard and increases your risk of being deceived, warn BI researchers Harald Biong and Kenneth H. Wathne.

Cybersecurity expert says White House lack of 'czar' is subpar

A Purdue University cybersecurity expert is skeptical that the new U.S. cybersecurity coordinator will have enough clout to serve as more than a glorified cheerleader with the way the White House has created the position.

Retirement plans on hold in face of recession, survey finds

( -- Almost one-third of small- and medium-sized business owners will need to put plans for their retirement on hold because of the downturn in the UK economy, an online survey by The University of Nottingham ...

This week's Web Winners: Investment help

Sophisticated investors were among victims of Bernard L. Madoff's alleged $50 billion Ponzi scheme. Avoiding financial scams must be even trickier than we thought. These sites might make it easier.

Snapshot of a recession

( -- A revealing snapshot of the effect of the downturn in the UK economy on the small business sector has been uncovered by an online survey produced by The University of Nottingham Institute for Enterprise and ...

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