Shanghai records hottest May day in 100 years

Shanghai recorded its hottest May day in 100 years on Monday, the city's meteorological service announced, shattering the previous high by a full degree.

Beijing roasts in record mid-June temperatures

Temperatures in Beijing hit a record for mid-June of 39.4 degrees Celsius (103 Fahrenheit) on Friday, China's meteorological authority said, warning the public to stay indoors.

'Hotter and hotter': Swathes of Asia sweat in heatwave

Sweltering under a blistering sun, people across South and Southeast Asia have been taking cover beneath any shelter they can find as they pray for cooling rains with record temperatures hitting the region.

Food deficits in Africa will grow in a warmer world

Africa has one of the world's fastest population growth rates. Growth models project the continent's current population of about 1.3 billion people will nearly double to 2.5 billion by 2050—and it's likely to keep growing ...