Nanometric imprinting on fiber

Researchers at EPFL's Laboratory of Photonic Materials and Fibre Devices, which is run by Fabien Sorin, have come up with a simple and innovative technique for drawing or imprinting complex, nanometric patterns on hollow ...

Throwing new light on printed organic solar cells

Researchers at the University of Surrey have achieved record power conversion efficiencies for large area organic solar cells. In recent years scientists have been attempting to increase the efficiency of these cells to allow ...

Building cars from plastic

Plastic cars are coming out of the toy box and heading for your nearest dealership showroom floor. The University of Dayton Research Institute and the American Chemistry Council have launched an effort to help ensure they ...

A more affordable, accessible material for seawater desalination

There are vast quantities of seawater available; drinking water, on the other hand, is in scarce supply. Desalination plants can convert seawater to drinking water. Yet these plants require pipelines made of a special kind ...

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