Life of plastic solar cell jumps from hours to 8 months

A team of researchers from the University of Alberta and the National Institute for Nanotechnology has extended the operating life of an unsealed plastic solar cell, from mere hours to eight months.

Researchers fabricate more efficient polymer solar cells

( -- Researchers from Iowa State University and the Ames Laboratory have developed a process capable of producing a thin and uniform light-absorbing layer on textured substrates that improves the efficiency of ...

Graphene: Singles and the few

( -- A timely review analyzing the correlation of synthesis methods and physical properties of single-layer and few-layered graphene flakes.

Conductive biopolymers using recycled food industry byproducts

Advanced Materials recently published the findings of Technion researchers who created conductors relevant to solar energy generation, biomedical engineering, and more using by-products of the food industry that would otherwise ...

Silk-based optical waveguides meet biomedical needs

There is a growing need for biocompatible photonic components for biomedical applications - from in vivo glucose monitoring to detecting harmful viruses or the telltale markers of Alzheimer's. Optical waveguides are of ...

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