Science and research hit hard by US sequester cuts

Automatic spending cuts have hit America's science and research sectors especially hard, according to experts, who warn of potentially dire implications for the nation's overall competitiveness.

How chips, PCs, services companies are faring

Personal computer makers have been scrambling to adapt to a technological upheaval unleashed by Apple Inc.'s line of sleek devices such as the iPhone and iPad and by a shift toward Internet-based software services instead ...

AMD cutting 1,400 workers in first move by new CEO

(AP) -- Advanced Micro Devices Inc. is cutting some 1,400 workers as a weak computer market and manufacturing delays have hurt the world's second-biggest maker of microprocessors for PCs.

Fixing the economy the scientific way

Here are two facts that might seem unrelated: (1) Most Americans cannot name a living scientist. (2) Over the last two years, by far the most pressing problems in the country have been the economy and the cost of health ...

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