How life online influences young people

Young people spend a lot of their time online. Even so, we still know very little about how this intensive use of social media influences their development. Brain researcher and Spinoza Prize winner Eveline Crone from Leiden ...

Impact of religion and racial pride on classroom discrimination

Two important factors seem to explain black American adolescents' experiences with teacher-based racial discrimination – religiosity and racial pride, finds a new study from the Brown School at Washington University in ...

Researchers seek an end to child marriage

In addition to secondary education, girls need access to decent jobs and increased security in public to avoid child marriage and change perceptions of traditional gender norms.

Research suggests social action may give youth a career edge

When disadvantaged youth engage in social activism, they tend to have high-status occupations in adulthood, according to Clemson University and University of Michigan researchers. The findings also suggest there's a place ...

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