New study shows welfare prevents crime, quite dramatically

A new paper in the Quarterly Journal of Economics indicates that removing cash welfare from children when they reach age 18 greatly increases the chances that they will face criminal justice charges in subsequent years. ...

BP says oil spill compensation fund running out

British energy giant BP admitted on Tuesday that its $20 billion (15 billion euro) fund to compensate victims of the 2010 US oil spill disaster has almost run out of cash.

Limestone powder enhances performance of 'green' concrete

Adding limestone powder to "green" concrete mixtures—those containing substantial amounts of fly ash, a byproduct of coal-burning power plants—can significantly improve performance, report researchers from the National ...

US: Lithium batteries not necessarily unsafe

The use of lithium ion batteries to power aircraft systems isn't necessarily unsafe despite a battery fire in one Boeing 787 Dreamliner and smoke in another, but manufacturers need to build in reliable safeguards, the top ...

Why community college students quit despite being almost finished

Community colleges are designed to make college more accessible, yet 6 out of every 10 community college students cannot reap the full rewards of higher education because they do not earn their degree. For graduates, rewards ...

EPA move creates hurdles for future air, climate rules

The Environmental Protection Agency announced final rule changes Wednesday that would make it harder for the incoming Biden administration to make new rules to protect the environment and public health by limiting the consideration ...

What are the effects of the Great Recession on local governments?

A new issue of State and Local Government Review (SLGR) documents the crisis affecting city and county governments following the Great Recession. Published this month, the issue examines the severity and potentially lasting ...

American Airlines warns of delays from shutdown

American Airlines executives warned of significant travel delays if the US government shutdown goes on much longer, but said Thursday that customer demand has not been significantly affected thus far.

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