How a pathogenic bacterium searches for food

Bacteria whirl around in the mouths of most people, forming dental plaques and sometimes causing nasty gum infections. Treponema denticola might be a dangerous pathogen, but not much is known about this bacterium. It was ...

Gourmet or imitation? New technique ferrets out food fraud

When you shell out for artisanal food—Swiss Gruyère cheese, organic vanilla extract, Italian prosciutto—do you get what you paid for? With global food fraud estimates as high as $40 billion a year, it's a question Purdue ...

Teachers who leave turnaround schools can have positive effects

A new study found that teachers who left low-performing K-12 public schools in Tennessee as part of schoolwide turnaround reforms had positive impacts on test scores in the schools that took them in, and they were more likely ...

'Stunning' discovery: Metals can heal themselves

Scientists for the first time have witnessed pieces of metal crack, then fuse back together without any human intervention, overturning fundamental scientific theories in the process. If the newly discovered phenomenon can ...

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