Apple to seek safeguards for iPhone contact lists

Apple on Wednesday said application developers will have to get express permission from users before tapping into contact information stored in its popular gadgets, in a move to address privacy concerns.

Review: Skype phone and adapter for home calling

(AP) -- With two new products, Skype has made it easier to make Internet calls from home phones, for savings on international calls and potentially also domestic ones.

HP researchers try to tell you who your friends are

Most people have scores of contacts, scattered around their mobile phone, e-mail address book and multiple social networking sites. Scientists at Hewlett-Packard can tell you which of those contacts are your closest friends.

Let freedom ring with Google Voice

With the exception of touch-tone phones, Caller ID and cell phones, talking on the phone hasn't changed a lot during the past few decades. That's a big reason why people are increasingly choosing to text, e-mail and send ...

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