Biologists take deep dive into the evolution of clownfish

Clownfish, renowned for their vibrant colors and unusual symbiotic relationship with sea anemones, have long captivated the imagination of scientists and nature enthusiasts alike. They also serve as a promising model organism ...

Adaptive models capture complexity of the brain and behavior

For the scientists that study animal behavior, even the simplest roundworm poses huge challenges. The movement of squirming worms, flocking birds and walking humans changes from moment to moment, in ways that the naked eye ...

Mathematicians provide solution to 78 year old mystery

In previous research, it was suggested that adaptation of an animal to different factors looks like spending of one resource and that the animal dies when this resource is exhausted. In 1938, Hans Selye introduced "adaptation ...

Home teams hold the advantage

The home team holds the advantage over visitors – at least in the plant world. However, a mere handful of genetic adaptations could even the playing field.

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