Related topics: advertising revenue

Twitter offers video creators share of ad money

Twitter on Tuesday began offering video creators a cut of ad revenue in a move that could help it better compete with YouTube and Facebook for content viewers seek.

SoundCloud signs with Universal ahead of subscription launch

SoundCloud, a streaming music platform that has become home to garage bands and other artists who don't mind releasing tracks online for free, said Wednesday that it had reached a licensing deal with Universal Music Group.

Mobile ad-blockers could wipe out billions in ad revenue

Mobile Internet sites face a new threat as millions download ad-blockers to their phones and tablets, removing pesky adverts but potentially wiping out billions of dollars in advertising revenue.

Twitter experiments with 'News Tab' feature

Twitter rolled out a News Tab feature to some of its U.S. users Tuesday, an experimental effort to make it easier for people to find headlines that are trending on the platform.

Snapchat to show content from big media brands

Popular disappearing-message app Snapchat is introducing content from media companies such as Vice, CNN and People to its service as it works to broaden its audience.

Facebook's advertising revenue soars in 3Q

Facebook grew its advertising revenue by 64 percent in the third quarter, helped by a boost in mobile ads that are becoming an increasingly large chunk of the social networking giant's overall advertising business.

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