Listening in on endangered Amazon River dolphins

Monitoring echolocation clicks could be used to track the movements of two endangered freshwater dolphin species that inhabit inaccessible parts of the Amazon Basin—the boto (or pink river dolphin) and the tucuxi—and ...

How air pollution can harm team performance

High levels of air pollution can harm the performance of teams, which are vital for solving complex problems such as developing clean energy technologies and vaccines, and this could harm economic development in highly polluted ...

Lesson from the past for surviving climate change

Research led by the University of Leicester suggests people today and in future generations should look to the past in order to mitigate the worst effects of climate change.

New discovery may hold key to fighting deadly infections

Centenary Institute research has revealed new insight into tackling mycobacterial infections which are responsible for chronic diseases that include tuberculosis (TB), leprosy and serious skin ulcerations.

Climate proof sea defences with a green twist

Sturdier protection is vital to defend coastal areas from the expected sea level rise associated with global warming. But nature's protection also needs to be part of the equation.

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