How to find marker genes in cell clusters

Which genes are specific for a certain cell type, i.e., "mark" their identity? With the increasing size of datasets nowadays, answering this question is often challenging. Often, marker genes are simply genes that have been ...

Stabilizing chromosomes to tackle tumors

Cells use RNA as a versatile tool to regulate the activity of their genes. Small snippets of RNA can fine-tune how much protein is produced from various genes; some small RNAs can shut genes off altogether. An enzyme called ...

Researchers reveal largest catalog of gene activators

University of Toronto researchers have created a first-in-class functional catalog of proteins that activate gene expression, with implications for tailored therapy for cancer and other diseases that occur when wrong genes ...

Lonely flies, like many humans, eat more and sleep less

COVID-19 lockdowns scrambled sleep schedules and stretched waistlines. One culprit may be social isolation itself. Scientists have found that lone fruit flies quarantined in test tubes sleep too little and eat too much after ...

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