Would you buy a product endorsed by Lance Armstrong?

It's much easier for consumers to justify continued support of a celebrity or politician disgraced by scandal when they separate moral judgments about a public figure from assessments of their professional performance, according ...

Apple case cracks open e-books, digital goods pricing

A ruling by an American judge that Apple illegally conspired to fix e-book prices could boost competition in the market for all kinds of digital goods, including music and movies, analysts say.

Carnivorous plants: No escape for mosquitoes

Physically bound to a specific location, plants have to devise special ways to secure their supply of vital nutrients. Most plants have developed a root system to the nutrients they need in order to survive out of the soil. ...

How to fix the movement for fossil fuel divestment

Bankers and environmentalists alike are increasingly calling for capital markets to play a bigger role in the war on carbon. In the absence of a meaningful global price on carbon, however, capital continues to flow freely ...

'Netflix for pirates' shut down by courts

Hollywood's film trade group is hailing the shutdown of two online services used to circulate pirated copies of hit movies, including one that became known as "Netflix for pirates."

Instagram sued over contract changes

A lawsuit filed here seeks to stop Instagram from changing its terms of service, saying the Facebook-owned smartphone photo-sharing service is breaching its contract with users.

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