Tilted acoustic tweezers separate cells gently

Precise, gentle and efficient cell separation from a device the size of a cell phone may be possible thanks to tilt-angle standing surface acoustic waves, according to a team of engineers.

Bottling up sound waves

There's a new wave of sound on the horizon carrying with it a broad scope of tantalizing potential applications, including advanced ultrasonic imaging and therapy, acoustic cloaking, and levitation and particle manipulation. ...

How do liquid foams block sound?

Liquid foams have a remarkable property: they completely block the transmission of sound over a wide range of frequencies. CNRS physicists working in collaboration with teams from Paris Diderot and Rennes Universities have ...

Scientists twist sound with metamaterials

A Chinese-U.S. research team is exploring the use of metamaterials—artificial materials engineered to have exotic properties not found in nature—to create devices that manipulate sound in versatile and unprecedented ways.

The secrets of owls' near noiseless wings

Many owl species have developed specialized plumage to effectively eliminate the aerodynamic noise from their wings – allowing them to hunt and capture their prey in silence.

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