'Treadmill' for microswimmers allows closer look at behavior

A team from the McKelvey School of Engineering at Washington University in St. Louis and Massachusetts Institute of Technology has created an acoustic microfluidic method that offers new opportunities to conduct experiments ...

Researchers reveal acoustic topological corner anomaly

Topological acoustics provides a new approach for manipulating acoustic waves using the novel wave transport phenomenon. In less than a decade, it has provided a series of promising new ideas for the directional control of ...

Less ice means fewer calling seals, finds study

When the sea ice vanishes, Antarctic seals become silent. This is the main conclusion of a new article just published by Dr. Ilse van Opzeeland's research group in the journal Frontiers in Ecology and the Environment. The ...

Manipulating hypersound in mesoporous materials

The rapidly advancing field of nanophononics focuses on the study of hypersound, which are acoustic waves in the gigahertz to terahertz range, at the nanoscale. These high-frequency acoustic vibrations, also known as acoustic ...

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