Beneath the Arctic polar cap

( —The Arctic polar cap has been melting at an astonishing rate over the past 20 or so years. In addition to causing higher sea levels and other environmental impacts, the decreasing surface is opening up new resources ...

3D modeling of the Sun from the core to the surface

A team at the Astrophysics, Instrumentation and Modeling Laboratory (CEA/CNRS/Université Paris Diderot) has successfully modeled, in 3D, the effects of gravity waves in an extremely comprehensive simulation of the Sun, from ...

Researchers build acoustic tractor beam

( —A team of researchers with members from the U.K., Scotland and the U.S. has built a functioning acoustic tractor beam in a lab—one that is able to pull objects of centimeter size. In their paper published ...

How do liquid foams block sound?

Liquid foams have a remarkable property: they completely block the transmission of sound over a wide range of frequencies. CNRS physicists working in collaboration with teams from Paris Diderot and Rennes Universities have ...

Butterfly larvae mimic queen ant to avoid detection

Parasitic butterfly larvae may mimic ants' acoustic signals to aid in the infiltration of their host colonies, according to results published April 9, 2014, in the open access journal PLOS ONE by Marco Sala from University ...

Physicists split and collide ultracold atom clouds (w/ Video)

Physicists at New Zealand's University of Otago have pushed the frontiers of quantum technology by developing a steerable 'optical tweezers' unit that uses intense laser beams to precisely split minute clouds of ultracold ...

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