Explosions help probe elusive atmospheric waves

Infrasound waves can probe some of the most complex weather patterns hidden to normal observations, but finding a powerful enough source of infrasound waves can be a challenge unless there is a munitions factory nearby.

Acoustic sensors to pinpoint shooters in an urban setting

During a gunshot, two sound events occur: the muzzle blast and the supersonic shock wave. Acoustic sensors, such as arrays of microphones, can capture these sounds and use them to approximate the location of a shooter.

DeepSqueak tool identifies marine mammal calls

Lurking beneath the ocean's surface, marine mammals use sound for navigation, prey detection, and a wide range of natural behaviors. Passive acoustic data from underwater environments can provide valuable information on these ...

Going gentle on mechanical quantum systems

When thinking about quantum mechanical systems, single photons and well-isolated ions and atoms may spring to mind, or electrons spreading through a crystal. More exotic in the context of quantum mechanics are genuinely mechanical ...

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