Rainforest plant developed sonar dish to attract pollinating bats

The researchers discovered that a rainforest vine, pollinated by bats, has evolved dish-shaped leaves with such conspicuous echoes that nectar-feeding bats can find its flowers twice as fast by echolocation. The study is ...

GPS stations can detect clandestine nuclear tests

At the Comprehensive Nuclear-Test-Ban Treaty Organization (CTBTO) meeting this week, American researchers are unveiling a new tool for detecting illegal nuclear explosions: the Earth's global positioning system (GPS).

Vienna physicists create tap-proof waves

Scientists at the Vienna University of Technology (TU Vienna) have developed a method to steer waves on precisely defined trajectories, without any loss. This way, sound waves could be sent directly to a target, avoiding ...

A more stealthy robot may be hearing you soon

(PhysOrg.com) -- Stealth is a trait that few of us posses naturally. Most of us are really kind of obvious as we walk down the street or sashay through the halls of the office. That is why people who are trying to be sneaky ...

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