Scientists use light to probe acoustic tuning in gold nanodisks

In a study that could open doors for new applications of photonics from molecular sensing to wireless communications, Rice University scientists have discovered a new method to tune the light-induced vibrations of nanoparticles ...

Acousto-optic modulation of photonic bound state in the continuum

Applying bound states in the continuum (BICs) in photonic integrated circuits enables low-loss light guidance and routing in low-refractive-index waveguides on high-refractive-index substrates. Here, we demonstrate high-quality ...

Surface waves can help nanostructured devices keep their cool

Due to the continuing progress in miniaturization of silicon microelectronic and photonic devices, the cooling of device structures is increasingly challenging. Conventional heat transport in bulk materials is dominated by ...

Researchers reveal acoustic topological corner anomaly

Topological acoustics provides a new approach for manipulating acoustic waves using the novel wave transport phenomenon. In less than a decade, it has provided a series of promising new ideas for the directional control of ...

Tunable sound transmission shapes up

The ability to control fine-scale acoustic waves known as phonons could lead to new sensing and surgery technologies, or even materials that are invisible to sonar. This pursuit led researchers at King Abdullah University ...

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