Bats' echolocation recorded for human exploit

Bats' remarkable ability to 'see' in the dark uses the echoes from their own calls to decipher the shape of their dark surroundings. This process, known as echolocation, allows bats to perceive their surroundings in great ...

Safely anchored at sea

( -- Different layers of the seabed reflect sound waves in a specific way. German researchers are harnessing the benefits of this fact to efficiently track down suitable offshore sites for wind energy plants. ...

Lasers generate underwater sound

Scientists at the Naval Research Laboratory (NRL) are developing a new technology for use in underwater acoustics. The new technology uses flashes of laser light to remotely create underwater sound. The new acoustic source ...

Cooking with sound -- Score stove enters test stage

A low-cost generator with the potential to transform lives in the world's poorest communities is now being tested across the UK and in Nepal. The Score project, led by The University of Nottingham, is developing a bio-mass ...

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