A new way to measure the expansion of the universe

A PhD student from The International Centre for Radio Astronomy Research (ICRAR) in Perth has produced one of the most accurate measurements ever made of how fast the Universe is expanding.

Does Betelgeuse even rotate? Maybe not

Betelgeuse is the well known red giant star in the corner of Orion the hunter. The name translated in some languages means "armpit of the giant," which, I think of all the star names, is simply the best! Betelgeuse has been ...

Pond emission measurements improve climate predictions

There could be billions of shallow lakes and ponds on Earth, though lack of mapping systems makes it hard to know just how many exist. Together, they emit significant amounts of greenhouse gases into the atmosphere, but emissions ...

Future-proofing ice measurements from space

With diminishing ice one of the biggest casualties of our warming world, it's imperative that accurate measurements continue to be made for scientific research and climate policy, as well as for practical applications such ...

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