Opinion: The algorithm, a tool against populist rhetoric

There is no shortage of critiques concerning the use of AI in public decision-making processes. Scholars, for example, have described algorithms as a "toxic cocktail for democracy" by pointing at the ever-growing availability ...

Why haven't we wiped out rabies yet?

Despite effective vaccines, the rabies virus kills around 59,000 people a year. We asked medical anthropologist Deborah Nadal why the disease is still a threat.

Reforming coral reefs using 3D printing

The world's coral reefs are becoming extinct due to many factors such as global warming and accelerated urbanization in coastal areas, which places tremendous stress on marine life. "The rapid decline of coral reefs has increased ...

Deforestation drives climate change that harms remaining forest

In a paper published today in Nature Communications, a team led by scientists from the University of California, Irvine, using climate models and satellite data, reveal for the first time how protecting tropical forests can ...

Dark energy: Neutron stars will tell us if it's only an illusion

A huge amount of mysterious dark energy is necessary to explain cosmological phenomena, such as the accelerated expansion of the Universe, using Einstein's theory. But what if dark energy was just an illusion and general ...

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