Vocal accommodation found in African penguins

A team of researchers affiliated with several institutions in Italy, working with a colleague from Finland, has found that African penguins are capable of vocal accommodation. In their paper published in Proceedings of the ...

New racism in 'reasonable accommodation'

It seems history has once again repeated itself. The recent introduction of a 'statement of values' by one of Quebec's biggest cities, Gatineau, harkens back to the 2007 outbreak of race anxiety when the village of Hérouxville ...

Courts endangering religious freedom, academic claims

Studying recent cases in the UK, USA, Canada and mainland Europe, Oxford University philosopher Professor Roger Trigg has identified a trend towards curtailing religious freedom in favour of other social priorities such as ...

Researchers investigate airplane seat accommodation

Whether for business or personal travel, now, more than ever, thousands of Americans spend their days in the air. While most airplane passengers are hoping for maximum comfort during their flights, airline companies look ...

Why it makes good business sense to hire people with disabilities

Managers sometimes assume that hiring employees who live with disabilities will be more expensive. They worry that these employees will perform at a lower level, be absent more often, need expensive accommodations and will ...

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