New bird app spreads its wings

Researchers from The University of Queensland have helped design an app to protect birds at risk of extinction across the world by breaking down language barriers between scientists.

Learning about barriers to economic mobility

In late 2019, the Bill & Melinda Gates Foundation launched the Voices for Economic Opportunity Grand Challenge, a call for ideas from individuals and organizations to broaden the national conversation about poverty and economic ...

How name change can impact a female researcher's career

For women who choose to get married, one decision that they may face is whether to change their last name or not. For a researcher who is published in academic journals, a marital name change may make it difficult for others ...

How lockdown highlighted educational inequality in Ireland

Children in Ireland experienced one of the longest school closures among rich countries during the first wave of the pandemic. School children lost 141 days of face-to-face instruction during the 2019–2020 academic year.

Positive teacher-student relationships lead to better teaching

Previous research has shown positive teacher-student relationships promote student academic achievement, such as better grades and test scores, but a new study at the University of Missouri found positive teacher-student ...

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