Long lists are eroding the value of being a scientific author

This month, a scientific paper by teams working at the Large Hadron Collider at CERN set the record for the number of authors on a paper – with more than 5,000 contributors. In the same week, a genomics paper had more than ...

Number of doctorates awarded continued to grow in 2009

U.S. academic institutions awarded 49,562 research doctorate degrees in 2009, the highest number ever reported by the National Science Foundation's Survey of Earned Doctorates (SED), and a 1.6 percent increase over 2008's ...

Empowering women in Afghanistan

In recent decades, Afghanistan has been a notoriously difficult place for women to participate in civic matters. But a new study co-authored by an MIT political scientist, which assessed Afghanistan's largest development ...

A better way to measure cell survival

Measuring the toxic effects of chemical compounds on different types of cells is critical for developing cancer drugs, which must be able to kill their target cells. Analyzing cell survival is also an important task in fields ...

Neuroscience tool's structure may lead to next gen versions

In order to more fully understand how diseases arise in the brain, scientists must unravel the intricate way neurons relay messages (either chemical or electrical) along a complex web of nerve cells. One way is by using a ...

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