Study: When a violent marriage ends, is co-parenting possible?

When a marriage that has included violence ends, is co-parenting possible? It depends on whether intimate terrorism or situational violence was involved, says a new University of Illinois study published in Family Relations.

Why do women need special laws to protect them from violence?

November 25 marks the United Nations International Day for the Elimination of Violence against Women. In a world where one in three women will experience physical, emotional or sexual violence at least once in her lifetime, ...

Why some women have real reason to fear the World Cup

( -- An academic at Royal Holloway, University of London is urging victims of domestic violence to have a plan in place should their partners turn violent during the World Cup, and to avoid the temptation of turning ...

How emotional and economic abuse go hand-in-hand

People who have been in an abusive relationship often don't realise it until they've left it, so looking at the data on past relationships is the best way of getting a picture of how bad it can be. We find that emotional ...

Weapons tied to repeat domestic abuse

Women are up to 83 percent more likely to experience repeat abuse by their male partners if a weapon is used in the initial abuse incident, according to a new study that has implications for victims, counselors and police.

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