Survey explores impact of technology-facilitated abuse

A team from The University of Queensland, Queensland University of Technology and University College London is examining how domestic and sexual violence survivors are being impacted by Internet of Things (IoT) technology, ...

Internet inventor warns web 'not working for women'

The internet is "not working for women" and is fuelling a new era of widespread abuse against females, the creator of the world wide web, Tim Berners-Lee, warned on Thursday.

Partner violence against migrant women

Disease, disasters, drought, famine, climate change, the terrorist threat, oppressive regimes… the list of problems facing people the world over continues to grow and the number of people displaced from their homes for ...

A woman's best friend – dogs and domestic violence

A new book, Companion Animals and Domestic Violence: Rescuing You, Rescuing Me, explores the role that dogs and other companion animals play in women's recovery from abuse, and the impacts on the animals themselves.

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